west coast road for sale ?

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zore's picture

west coast road for sale ?


Whats going on here... is this blueberry flats.. i see its all cleared... its for sale?

zore's picture

Stocklocker's picture


Timberwest, through its real-estate sub-company “Couverdon” is busy selling off the working forest to make executive subdivisions. Of course there is no problem getting permits and rezoning because Timberwest is owned by the Provincial Government and Federal government pension plans, both of which use company profits to fund their various bloated and unrealistic pay-outs to civil servants. Ever wonder why government pensions can afford to be so rich?........look no further than what’s happening on Vancouver Island: Get-rich-quick schemes like shipping undersized raw logs to China, and converting the forests into subdivisions.....all courtesy of your own government....operating on their “private forest lands”.

Quite literally, “the wolf is guarding the henhouse” on Vancouver Island, and it’s a corrupt system. But hey, it’s British Columbia, which by default means crooked politics, so I guess nothing is new.

I hope someday the dirty, irrational, and illegal deals that put so much of the island in “private hands” are recinded, and the books of these operations are opened for public scrutiny. Unfortunately that is unlikely to occur as long as the primary stakeholder in these companies is the government itself:




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